It's been awhile since I've posted anything. My reason is two fold; First, work has me by the balls. This is nothing new. Our acuity has been ridiculously high and we've been full for weeks. It's like we're just a revolving door for long term acute patients that are vent dependent and morbidly obese. Second, I've been in a funk. Sometimes I see the Cymbalta commercial on TV (You know, the one that starts with "Depression hurts...") and I think, holy crap, I could be in this commercial. Well, that's not entirely true. I still laugh and joke around, but it's not the same as it was before.
That's all I really have to say about how I've been feeling because I'm starting to feel like a broken record. And who wants to be a broken record? More importantly, who wants to be
around a depressed person?
The good news is that I'm starting to feel like my old self again. I mustered up the energy to finally clear out my email and answer people. I've made plans for the following week to hang out with some friends. Heck, I even made it out in public yesterday--with my hair done! And make-up! I received so many compliments about how I looked...cripes, all I did was bathe.
As far as fertility stuff goes, I'm in the middle of my second cycle on Clomid and timed intercourse. The good news was that I responded even better than the last time...follicle sizes were really good and my lining was significantly better. I feel nervous just typing that I might jinx this cycle somehow by sending this information out for everyone to read...anyways, the only thing is, if this cycle doesn't work, Dr. C doesn't really want me doing Clomid again. She said that ultimately it was my choice, but that she thinks I'm suffering too much from the side effects. Which is a shame because I respond oh-so-beautifully.
DR. C: How did the Clomid go?
ME: Well...I didn't feel as anxious, but I was pretty sad and down in the dumps. I feel bad complaining because I feel like I should just be able to suck it up and get over how I feel.
DR. C: Ummmm, no. (She actually sounded kinda angry, which was scary because I was up in the stirrups at this point). This medication
messes with your brain chemistry. You can't just talk yourself out of feeling a certain way. You should strongly consider trying something else next cycle.
So...she has a valid point. I will consider something else if this cycle is a bust. Which, I will find out if this worked (or not) right before my birthday. Hopefully it's good news. I'm trying to remain as optimistic as possible, but I have this nagging feeling of doubt that this is never going to work.