Friday, March 19, 2010


I actually exhibited some self control the past two weeks and didn't even attempt to take a home pregnancy test. What I decided to do was to go in for the lab draw, come home, take the home pregnancy test and then wait for the doctor's office to call.

Well, both tests were negative. I was crushed for a little bit. I was teary eyed, but I didn't cry. I was kind of surprised. I want this so badly, you'd think I'd be more upset. Maybe I will be tomorrow.

So I stopped the progesterone, I'll wait for my period and then we'll try the same regimen again. I'm OK with almost all of this...I don't want to have to take those damn crazy pills again. Maybe this time will be different.

Thank you to everyone for all of your warm wishes, positive thoughts, and prayers. I am so warm and fuzzy inside knowing that we are surrounded with such lovely people who care about us.

It may take a village, but The Bear and I will be parents one day!

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